WuZhihao's Blog

the use of bashrc file

Published on: 2024-07-18T11:57:19

Table Of Contents

The Use of Bashrc File


The bashrc file is the startup file for interactive shells.

Terminal Title

I use Xmonad as my tiling X11 window manager, and Rofi as window switcher, It's important to ensure each terminal has a different title for easier identification and switching. To achive this, I use trap DEBUG and manage different TERM variables to update terminal titles. More info refers to man console_codes.

trap 'commandName=$(history 1| sed "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*//g"); backspacedString="${commandName//\\/\\\\}"; echo -ne "\033]0;$HOSTNAME:$PWD \$ $backspacedString\007"' DEBUG
case "$TERM" in
      # update gnu screen title
      trap 'commandName=$(history 1| sed "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*//g"); backspacedString="${commandName//\\/\\\\}"; TITLE="$HOSTNAME:$PWD \$ $backspacedString"; echo -ne "\033k$TITLE\033\0134"; echo -ne "\033P\033]0;$TITLE\007\033\\\\"' DEBUG 
    # trap 'commandName=$(history 1| sed "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*//g"); backspacedString="${commandName//\\/\\\\}"; echo -ne "\033]2;$HOSTNAME:$PWD \$ $backspacedString\033\\"' DEBUG

History Configuration

Configs below ignores duplicated commands in the history list, limits the number of command to 10000 and restrict the history file size to 10000 commands.


Below appends history entries to file instead of overwrits it.

shopt -s histappend

Shell Notification

Function below will ring the bell for $1 times, which is useful for notifying you when an SSH session finishes running a long job.

function bel {
  for i in $(seq 1 "$1"); do tput bel; done

It's used in combination with Urxvt terminal emulator's bell-command plugin, a bellcatch.sh script and dunst notification daemon. Urxvt captures every bell and writes the parent process id to a file. The bellcatch.sh monitors this file and uses dunst to display a notification when it detects 6 continuous bells within 1 second. 6 bells helps avoid trggering notifications from occasional bell noise, such as when repeatedly typing <C-u> in Bash with no content.

zhihao@dust|/home/zhihao/Downloads/playdougher.github.io|$ grep bell-co ~/.Xresources | grep -v "^!"
URxvt.perl-ext-common:          eval,selection,clipboard,bell-command,keyboard-select,-searchable-scrollback,-matcher,-selection-autotransform,-selection-popup,-selection-popup-mod,52-osc,confirm-paste
URxvt.bell-command: echo $PPID >> /tmp/pidddd

The bellcatch.sh script:

zhihao@dust|/home/zhihao|$ cat bin/bellcatch.sh
presi() {
  if [[ ! -e /tmp/pidddd ]]; then
    touch /tmp/pidddd
  if [[ ! -e /tmp/taskkkk ]]; then
    touch /tmp/taskkkk
  if [[ ! -e /tmp/pidddd2 ]]; then
    cp /tmp/pidddd /tmp/pidddd2
function notify_task {
  #set -x
  read -r ln processid <<< "$1"
  #set +x
  #commname=$(ps -p "$processid" -o comm=)
  winname=$(xdotool getwindowname $(xdotool search --pid "$processid"))
  #if [ -e /home/zhihao/Music/infographic-pop-7-197874.mp3 ]; then
  #  ffplay -v 0 -nodisp -autoexit /home/zhihao/Music/infographic-pop-7-197874.mp3 &>/dev/
  ACTION=$(dunstify --action="default,0" --action="wait,1" -a bellcatch "$winname")
  case "$ACTION" in
      sed -i "/^${ln}/d" /tmp/taskkkk

      switch2window.sh "$processid"
function mon {

  while inotifywait -q -e close_write /tmp/pidddd; do
    sleep 0.5
    tsknum="$(wc -l /tmp/taskkkk | cut -d' ' -f 1)"
    export tsknum

    local changes="$(diff --changed-group-format='%<%>' --unchanged-group-format='' /tmp/p
idddd /tmp/pidddd2)"
    local fk="$(echo "$changes" | uniq -c)"
    local num=$(echo "$fk" | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n1)
    local processid=$(echo "$fk" | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n1)
    local datea=$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S)
    echo "$fk"
    echo "$num"
    echo "$processid"
    if [[ "$num" == 6 ]]; then
      echo "$((tsknum+1)) $processid" >> /tmp/taskkkk
      notify_task "$((tsknum+1)) $processid" &

    cp /tmp/pidddd /tmp/pidddd2;
mon "$@"

The cgrep function is similar to bel, it is used to grep the process tree and select a process to notify when it finishes running.

cgrep() {
    # Run the command and store the output in an array
    if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
      echo "no matching"
      return 99
    pgoption=`pgrep -a 2>&1 | grep -q -- "invalid.* -- 'a'" && echo l  || echo a`
    tmpo="$(pgrep -f$pgoption "$1"| grep -v ${FUNCNAME[0]} | cut -c -80)"
    if [[ -z "$tmpo" ]]; then
      echo "no matching"
      return 98
    readarray -t output <<<"$tmpo"
    #echo "${output[@]}"
    #for key in "${!output[@]}"; do echo "${output[$key]}"; done
    # Display the output with an index
    #echo ${#output[@]}
    for i in "${!output[@]}"; do
        echo "$i: ${output[$i]}"
#    # Prompt the user to choose an index
    [[ ${#output[@]} > 1 ]] && 
    read -p "entry to monitor:" index ||

    # Validate the user's input
    if [[ $index =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && ((index >= 0 && index < ${#output[@]})); then
        chosen_pid=$(cut -d' ' -f1 <<<"${output[$index]}")
        #echo "You chose: $chosen_pid"
        #watch -n 1 -g "ps -p $chosen_pid --no-headers -o pid" && bel 6
        tail --pid $chosen_pid -f /dev/null && bel 6
        echo "Invalid index. try again."


Below disables flow control, so <C-s> won't cause the terminal to get stuck.

stty -ixon

Below resizes window after each command runs.

shopt -s checkwinsize

Create an Emacs alias that quickly starts a terminal-based Emacs and will create an Emacs daemon if it's not already running. The Emacs daemon can significantly speed up Emacs startup time.

alias emacs="emacsclient -ct -a ''"

Setting default EDITOR and VISUAL allows you to edit or view long or complex commands with Emacs in shell, e.g. use <C-x><C-e> to open the current command in Emacs.

export EDITOR="emacsclient -ct -a ''"
export VISUAL="emacsclient -ct -a ''"

$PROMPT_COMMAND is executed each time before a command is run in the shell, I use it to append each command to the history file, in case the history is lost if the computer is accidently turned off.

export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a"

I use fasd to quickly switch between directories, initiate fasd with below command.

eval "$(fasd --init auto)"

Set MAN_POSIXLY_CORRECT to show only the first man page when multiple man pages are available.